Her baby shower was an Adventure theme. This would have been the theme whether she had a boy or a girl. No pink and blue for this girl! So many cute pink/blue baby things to choose from, and with this declaration my area of creativity was greatly reduced. But, I have to admit, I love this theme!
The first item of importance at the shower was the gender reveal. These little scratch-off cards were the first game. Each person at the shower got a card and a penny, and on the count of 3 everyone scratched, and one person was the winner and got to announce the gender. The scratch-off circles came from Enchanting By Design on Etsy.
I re-purposed this old poster frame and added a thin piece of wood sprayed with chalkboard paint for a welcome sign.
I wanted to make some paper trees, but since paper was not really an option, I designed the trees and made a paper template, and then had my husband cut them out of wood on his band saw. The tree stumps had been made by friends for their daughter's wedding. They put votives in the little holes. I made a little trunk on some of the trees to fit into the votive hole.
My daughter's only request was that she wanted some little clothing rod dividers for the baby's closet. I designed these using the animal images painted by her best friend, whose Etsy shop, Studio South Seas, I featured in my last blog post. They are laminated and made into stickers (the stickers are on both sides of the dividers) using print-2-cut on my Sizzix Eclips.
These needed a box, which I made from SVG Cuts' Wet and Wild SVG Kit. Added a little burlap and some string, and made a little graphic for the top.
To match this theme, I also made some monthly photo markers. They are made double-thickness card stock. They can be laid on the baby, leaned on the baby, double-stick taped on a background, or set/leaned on a little stuffed toy. Or, when able, the baby can hold them in their hands. I went this route because I didn't want to guess onesie sizes or to use them as stickers that could be used only once. This way, they can be shared or used for another child someday. Again, I used the amazing art of Regina Moomjean, artist and owner of Studio South Seas.
This box was altered from SVG Cuts' Camp Firefly SVG Kit. I used the bottom of the S'more, and took the "chocolate drippings" off the top edge of the box, and made a graphic for the top. Each of the boxes has a personalized message on the inside bottom.
Tied them together with a little tag, and there you go!
As a thank you to the guests, I made a little thank you card with a pocket and a custom-made flower packet envelope that was filled with real flower seeds.
And, that does it! Hope you enjoyed some of the shower goodies. It was a wonderful celebration of what is to come. Thank you to my sweet Vanarama for hostessing the shower at her beautiful home.
Life is an Adventure! Enjoy!