Friday, November 29, 2024

A Couple of Christmas Crafts - 2024

This is what I made for 15 great nieces and nephews. It's a little tag that I designed in Affinity Photo, each with the kids names on them. I used one of the  plastic lipstick hang tag holders. I rolled cash in each one.

I bought some small muslin bags in a bunch of sizes to personalize for some Christmas gifts. This is a sample of the ones I made.

Merry Christmas, Kids!

Friday, November 8, 2024

It's Movie Night with EB!

 My early Christmas present was a TV that I could set up in our guest room (formerly our daughter's room) as a movie room for the grandboys. I made some fun elements to enhance our movie experience (that's a bit dramatic...ha ha).

I had some vintage movie images that I bought on Etsy. The first thing I made was this white board/marquee. We can write what we're watching when we have weekly movie nights with popcorn.

I made some fun signs to dress up the movie area. There's a clapper, movie camera, popcorn this way sign, concession stand, seating this way sign and a film strip with some of the series/movies we watched.

I got Emmett his own soft blanket because he was always trying to take mine. So, here we are with our reusable popcorn boxes with our cozy blankets ready for movie night.
This way to the restroom!
Our movie screen, with the marquee, some movie tickets and our Movie Night sign. Oh, and the movie film reel.

And, the goofy little man with our marquee sign showing the movie fare for the evening.

Let's Go to the Movies, Let's Go to the Picture Show!